
  1. This isn’t a Rolex

    I wouldn’t blame you for rolling your eyes when I say I love and collect watches. I’ve come across people with attitudes that made me wish I didn’t. But those people are actually few and far in between. Most of the community I talk watches with are similar to me.…

  2. Self Reminders 02

    the only Ls you should be taking are Lessons stop worrying, start working one good decision will lead to another there’s freedom in vulnerability action can neutralize anxiety Another set of 5 reminders that I’ve been going back to recently. The first 5 are here. I hope you might find…

  3. Hasan Minhaj - The Daily Show Host

    People are LOVING Hasan Minhaj’s guest hosting stint on The Daily Show; and a lot of them are already demanding he take over as the show’s next host. So where do YouTube views play into this?Hasan is the 6th guest host since Trevor Noah’s departure alongside Leslie Jones, Wanda…

  4. The things I choose to own

    AnOrdain Model 1 - Pink Dial I don’t own a lot of material things. In fact, having too many fills me with a mild anxiety. That’s why I choose to curate all of my material possessions down to only things that provide me a lot of function, joy, and enrichment.…

  5. My 9yo daughter is already a talented photographer

    We inadvertently set the Fuji X-T2 camera to double exposure mode and ever since she’s been having fun and making excellent compositions. 

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